We develop and install various custom systems for logging, monitoring, analysis and control, based on your specific application and requirements.
Interesting developed and successfully commissioned projects:
- Measurement of relative humidity and temperature in the pharmaceutical warehouses of VetProm AD (PDF)
- Part of the traceability system by drying of cement sheaths of temperature sensors in the low-temperature furnaces of EPIQ Electronic Assembly EOOD.
- Monitoring the drying processes in the high-temperature industrial furnaces in the building EPIQ1 of EPIQ Electronic Assembly. Monitoring the temperature in the furnaces in the clean halls of the building.
- Temperature control in the industrial furnaces, monitoring and connection to the traceability system of Melexis-Sofia.
- Relative humidity and temperature monitoring and control in the curing chambers of EnerSys AD – Targovishte by the production of batteries.
- Monitoring and control of a testing furnace in the training center of the Bulgarian ATSA